Leading for Impact for Senior Leaders

Supporting leaders who lead leaders

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"If you want to improve the organization, you have to improve yourself and the organization gets pulled up with you." - Indra Nooyi

Senior leaders have one of the most complex roles in today's organization. They face the unique challenge of supporting the vision, culture, and strategic goals of the organization, while at the same time balancing practicalities and pressures of short-term actions - all of which seems increasingly urgent.

The pressure on senior leaders has only increased as they navigate through the uncertain realities of leading through a global pandemic. This is why it is critical that organizations invest in their senior leaders now. Investing in senior leaders is investing in the future of your organization.

Creating the space senior leaders need to focus on their key priorities will set the ceiling for the organization's impact. This is why we designed Leading for Impact for Senior Leaders. This program supports participants improve their leadership skills to handle complexity, prioritize and achieve their goals, support your team to drive performance, and align short-term action with long-term direction.

What Participants Will Learn

By applying the lessons learned in Leading For Impact, senior leaders will be able to:  

  • Understand a leader’s role in augmenting the talents, resilience and impact of their mid-level managers.  
  • Use their individual leadership style and strengths to maximize their positive impact. 
  • Communicate to provide managers with clear expectations and feedback.  
  • Lead managers in a way that balances support with the appropriate level of autonomy and accountability.
  • Develop managers to lead and manage others.

Who Should Attend

  • Senior leaders at the top levels of purpose-driven organizations, including Executive Directors, CEOs, Directors, and senior managers.
  • Senior leaders who are responsible for Managers of teams – leaders of leaders.
  • Senior leaders who are responsible for organizational functions, divisions and units and/or the implementation and realization of the organization’s strategic goals. 

What Participants Will Take Away

  • Articulate a guiding purpose for effective leadership to support organizational learning and effectiveness. 
  • Assess and reflect upon personal leadership strengths and reactive tendencies when leading change and/or leading through change. 
  • Practice communicating expectations and feedback to support staff members to have clarity about their performance. 
  • Prepare to use delegation and coaching techniques to develop the capacity of their staff.

Program Details

Leading for Impact for Senior Leaders is designed to increase participant’s leadership capacity and peer network, participants will be supported by an executive coach, as well as a coaching circle comprised of their peers.

The program features interactive instruction, facilitated practice, peer feedback, executive coaching, and innovative experiences. Participants are provided with sustainment tools to ensure program learnings are embedded into their leadership practice once the program has ended. Leading for Impact for Senior Leaders includes the following components:

  • Two facilitated workshops
  • One one-on-one coaching session with a trained coach  
  • One facilitated peer coaching session 
  • Three self-lead peer coaching sessions 
  • Access to a virtual learning community for six months following the end of the program

Program Dates

  • Wednesday, January 24, 2024 – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm [Session One]
  • Thursday, January 25, 2024 – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm [Session Two]  
  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024 – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm [Session One]
  • Thursday, April 11, 2024 – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm [Session Two]
  • Wednesday, July 10, 2024 – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm [Session One]
  • Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm [Session Two] 


  • $1,499 plus HST per participant.
  • We provide a discount for organizations wishing to register more than two participants.
  • This program can be customized to support your organization's needs and run exclusively with your leaders. Contact us for more details at impact@strategisense.com.

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Registration confirmation will follow.

The Leadersense Academy Experience

Our content is grounded in neuroscience and strengths-based leadership. It is designed and led by experts in leadership and organizational culture within purpose-driven organizations.

We provide facilitated learning environments that are collaborative, interactive, and enable participants to learn from experienced leadership facilitators, as well as one another.

Participants will directly apply their learnings from the program to a tangible leadership challenge at work.

Want to know more? Book a call today to speak with a Strategisense team member today.

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