
Supporting personal and professional transformation.

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Our individual, team, and organizational coaching programs enable our clients to shift their perspectives, build self-awareness, achieve their personal, professional, and organizational goals and commit to transformation.

Our coaching programs ensure learnings become daily practice, impacting overall culture, performance, productivity and engagement for our clients and within the company. Some of the areas of focus for coaching include:

  • Executive and Leadership Coaching
  • Change Leadership
  • Stress Hardiness and Resilience
  • Achieving Business Results
  • Coaching Skills for Leaders
  • High Potential or First-Time Leaders
  • Strengthening Cultural Competency
  • Fulfilling Work and Life Priorities
  • Decision-Making and Influence
  • Career and Transition Coaching
  • Leading Individuals and Teams
  • Strategic Leadership
  • Authentic Leadership for Leaders of Colour
  • Development as Coaching
  • Transitioning into a New Leadership Role

"If you want to improve the organization, you have to improve yourself and the organization gets pulled up with you."

- Indra Nooyi

Which Coaching Service Is Right For You?

We offer the following types of coaching:

Individual Coaching

Supports leaders to clarify issues, examine limiting beliefs and generate solutions with a compelling course of action. Enabling leaders to make a powerful and lasting change.

Team Coaching

Enables teams to communicate authentically with compassion, supporting them to reach their goals to cultivate sustainable and long-term excellence and success

Peer Coaching

Facilitated peer coaching programs support leadership abilities by providing leaders with fresh insights that will enhance their ability to respond to complex challenges.

Organizational Coaching

Coaching programs for teams of leaders or staff that support organizations to achieve their goals, transform their culture, and lead and manage change across the organization.

Want to know more? Book a call today to speak with a Strategisense team member today.

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